
Enter your details

Login Credentials

Your password must be at least 8 letters long and should have uppercase and lowercase letters, and at least one number. For your security, please don't use an existing password or one that is easy to guess.

Find out more about how we use your personal information here: Privacy policy.

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A confirmation email has been sent to your email address.

Please click the link to update your password.

Forgotten Your password?

Please enter your email address to send reset link

The specified account does not exist.

Reset Password


Your Password must be at least 8 letters long and should have uppercase and lowercase letters and at least one number.

For your security, please don't use a password you're already using or one that is easy to guess.



A one time-pin has been sent to your cellphone number?

Please enter it below to confirm your registration




Thank you for your registration. Welcome to myAudiWorld.

The myAudi app allows you to access all remote functions related to Audi connect once you register as a key user and link your vehicle. For assistance with your registration, please contact your Audi Dealer or the Customer Call Centre. Activating your Audi Service Request will ensure that when it is time for your vehicle to be serviced, your vehicle will automatically communicate with your preferred Audi Dealer, and they will contact you to schedule an appointment.

If your vehicle is not equipped with Audi connect, you can still register on the myAudi app to benefit from digital services such as a mileage and fuel tracker.
Audi Service
Audi offers a range of maintenance and service plans that are suitable for your Audi. These can be tailored to your financial and driving needs, allowing you to cost-effectively maintain and service your Audi at your chosen Audi Dealership.
Manage your vehicles
myAudiWorld gives you access to a range of digital services from Audi. Access important vehicle data, manage your data, and set up services for your vehicle.

As an Audi owner, you can register on myAudi, set your preferred servicing Dealer and activate Audi Service Request, enhancing your Audi Service experience.